Friday, October 28, 2005


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For further information, contact:

Charles Orndorff, 703-281-6782


Conservatives overwhelmingly agree that it is time "to get the U.S. to out of the United Nations", according to a poll conducted by The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF).

Withdrawal from the U.N. had the support of 95.2% of the respondents, while only 2.1% favored staying in and 2.7% were undecided.

TCCF President Howard Phillips, when releasing the poll, pointed out that President Bush acknowledged the danger posed by the U.N. when he expressed concern over its International Criminal Court, Kyoto, Landmine, and Test Ban treaties. Later, Bush correctly declared that decisions on national security are not subject to the control of the UN Security Council.

However, the President has failed to recognize that the UN's actions show its fundamental hostility toward the independence and liberty of the United States.

The United Nations poll was conducted by mail from throughout 2005, and included about 1,500 responses.

The Conservative Caucus Foundation, founded in 1976, has published studies on many foreign policy and defense issues, including China policy, the Panama Canal, the START treaties, and SDI.

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Blogger Editor said...

I agree with Ron Paul. He seems like one of the few remaining patriots in the United States House of Representatives. If only he could get a few more of his colleagues on his side.
Nathan G.

1/8/05 08:54  
Blogger Eaglet said...

I would like to vote in some likeminded people to be colleagues on his side.

3/8/05 19:34  
Blogger Eaglet said...

mandymiller5425 just provided the first spam reply to this blog.

I probably will hide or delete future replies like this, but I will keep this one up for historical purposes and the novelty of it.

21/8/05 20:48  

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