Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Rally In New London

This is from Mud & PHuD (For more information, see Supreme Court Expands Eminent Domain Rules):

Rally In New London

The rally is going to happen! Fred Paxton was kind enough to send me this:

FORT (For Our Rights Today) is holding a RALLY on Tuesday, July 5 at 6PM on the steps of City Hall on State Street in New London. There is a Parking Garage on the corner behind City Hall. Scott Bullock, the lead attorney from the Institute of Justice who argued the Kelo v New London case in front of the Supreme Court will be present. We are hoping to have a few other interesting speakers. Please do everything you can to be there. A strong showing is important not only for the Fort Trumbull residents but people across the nation.

If you would like more information, please contact Susette Kelo at 860-447-0466 or Kathleen Mitchell at 860-701-0023 or the email address above.

Remember: If not now then when, If not us then who! Please share this information with family and friends. Be there!


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